Sound poetry / Concrete music / Video, by Fabien Maheu
Work in progress
This project was helped by the Institut Français / Programme "Hors les Murs" during a residency of creation hosted by French embassy in Beijing and French Institute in Wuhan.
With : Tammy Chu, Mrs Jiang, Liu Bo, Li Ying Nan, Shan, Yuan Shang, Zhang Wei
Based on the tones and inflections of mandarin language, the music performed live is using the voices of 6 personalities interviewed in Wuhan (theatre director, university teacher). These peoples were asked to tell their opinion about subjects such as environment, preservation of traditional culture, modern architecture and so on... A Chinese opera performer also improvise in an under doing renovation building, and a talented young actor tells us about one of his surrealistic sleeping dream. The video editing provides musical qualities to their speeches and illustrates the concern of life in big renewed Chinese cities with motion pictures shot in Wuhan and Beijing. The final form of the show is a video-concert.
Spectacle en cours de production
Projet lauréat du programme "Hors les murs" de l'INSTITUT FRANCAIS
Accueil et résidence à l'institut Français de Wuhan et Ambassade de France à Pékin.
Le projet repose sur la mise ne musique des tons et des inflexions de la langue chinoise (Mandarin). 6 personnalités du monde du spectacle, de l'enseignement ou de la culture ont été interviewées sur des sujets comme l'environnement, la préservation de la culture traditionnelle chinoise ou l'architecture contemporaine. Un acteur d'opéra de pékin improvise également dans un bâtiment en réfection, et un jeune acteur nous raconte un des rêves surréaliste qu'il a fait. Le montage vidéo confère à tous ces discours un aspect musical et illustre la question de la vie citadine moderne en Chine au moyen d'images filmées à Wuhan et Pékin. Au final, le spectacle prend la fore d'un vidéo-concert.
A first release with the music of Bernd Sandner

Presentation of the project "Unflying Birds" in gallery K, Wuhan, China

For this first release of the show, the pianist Bernd Sandner has worked on the rhythmical editing of the video, to compose and perform a score, in the spirit of an opera overture, displaying some of the themes which might be in the final show.
The result was shown in june 2017 in Cafuné Project Space in Berlin.
The making of the film with the student of Photography University of Wuhan